Brochures and other sales material

Here you will find some of our brochures and other sales material.
Datasheets, instructions, CE documents, etc. can be found under “SUPPORT/Downloads” and on the respective product page.
Are you missing something? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Company Presentation Product Range brochure

In our company presentation you get the opportunity to get acquainted with our various product areas and parts of our product range of HVAC sensor, regulators and alarms.

Download: Company Presentation – Product Range brochure (14 717 kB)

Uniguard 8 with PST195 brochure

This brochure describes the installer‐friendly features of Uniguard 8, including the air sampling tube PST195 and various Uniguard 8 models.

Download: Uniguard 8 with PST195 brochure (3514 kB)

REACH document

You can download REACH document for our products below.

Download: Statement concerning REACH (186 kB)