Calectro's journey series, Part 3.
Someone once said “You can’t improve what you don’t measure”. This is particularly true when it comes to customer satisfaction and product quality, and it is something I have always taken very seriously. Ever since Calectro began, back in 1969, we’ve been carrying out customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis. That’s 50 years of feedback! And the information we’ve compiled from these surveys has always provided us with valuable insights and guidance, throughout our journey from importer and general agent to fully-fledged component manufacturer.
It’s always an exciting moment when we finally get to see the results of our customer satisfaction survey. Especially when the overall performance score remains high year after year. In that respect, this particular parameter is definitely a good benchmark to measure and, for us, it reminds us that we’re still moving in the right direction after all these years.
However, it’s generally a good idea to dig a little deeper if you really want to continue improving and giving your customers the best possible products and services. So what else have we been measuring?
We are extremely proud of the fact that our products and custom technical solutions have a solid reputation in the HVAC industry. How do we know? Our customers are always telling us how satisfied they are with the quality and reliability of our products. We often hear that they don’t ever have to think about our duct smoke detectors because they last so long.
But the real validation comes from the results of our customer satisfaction surveys, year after year. By measuring these KPIs we are able to demonstrate our reputation for quality and reliability to potential customers, so they don’t just have to take our word for it.
The next KPI in our customer satisfaction survey is response time and customer service. People want to get in touch with their suppliers on their own terms, usually as soon as they pick up the phone or send an email. If the results of our customer satisfaction surveys are anything to go by, response times and personal customer service should never be underestimated. Luckily, that has always been one of our strengths.
Two other very important KPIs, if not the most important two some might say, are delivery times and delivery precision. In today’s hectic world, receiving materials when and where you’re expecting them is crucial. Especially on building sites, where storage space is limited.
In my experience, site managers and project managers want materials to arrive just in time, not too early and definitely not too late. Which is why we’ve continued to place so much focus on these particular indicators, despite a consistently high score over the years.
To summarize, measuring specific key performance indicators on a regular basis has enabled us to identify areas of potential improvement along the way, as well as adapt to market needs and emerging trends. We listen carefully to our customers’ needs, we always have, and that is something which is often much appreciated.
Our customer satisfaction surveys have enabled us to continue producing the highest quality products as sustainably and cost-effectively as possible. But they have also given us the knowledge and courage to explore cutting-edge ideas and solutions, and discover new ways to further develop popular products like our world-famous UG-3 Uniguard duct smoke detector. And last, but far from least, they have helped us to focus on the things that matter most to our customers.
I hope you are enjoying taking this Calectro journey with me, and coming soon, I can warmly recommend the final chapter of our four-part 50th anniversary celebration article series in which you can read all about Calectro’s exciting plans for the future. And, in case you missed them, read about how it all began in Part One: Leading the way in fire safety and building automation, and find out how we could make your life easier in Part Two: 50 years of getting to know the HVAC industry. If you have any questions or for more information about Calectro, continue browsing our website, give us a call or drop us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!